Executive Talk in Conjunction of IYOS 2013 organised by DOSM
PUTRAJAYA, 5th April – In conjuction of IYOS 2013, Statisticians Association, Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) has successfully organised an Executive Talk session. This executive talk highlighted on the importance of statistics and its’ usefulness towards the external users. Chief Statistician of Malaysia, Dr. Hj. Abdul Rahman bin Hasan officiated the opening ceremony of the executive talk. Group Chief Economist, Maybank Investment Bank (IB), Mr. Suhaimi bin Ilias was invited to become the guest speaker to share his real-life knowledge and experiences as an analyst that uses DOSM’s data extensively in analysing the economic outlook of Malaysia.
During the executive talk, Suhaimi had shared that Malaysia was in the process of economic transformation through the government efforts such as Government Transformation Programme (GTP) and Economic Transformation Programme (ETP). As a conclusion, DOSM realised how users use the data which was in line with the government efforts in policy-making.
Statistical Literacy Programme
KEDAH, 12th March – DOSM’s State Office of Kedah, in collaboration with Polytechnic of Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah (PTSB) had conducted a Statistical Literacy Programme. The programme was attended by 250 participants consists of students and lecturers from Commerce Department of PTSB. The main objective of this programme was to explain the role of DOSM in the compilation of official statistics.
The programme focused on the compilation of National Accounts, Labour Force Statistics and International Trade Statistics. The participants were interested by the detailed information of the official statistics compiled and disseminated by the Department. A live demonstration of browsing into the Department’s website and establishing a Mini Exhibition has created awareness to the participants about the availability of the official statistics to the public.
Briefing Session for University Students
SARAWAK, 18th March – DOSM’s State Office of Sarawak held a briefing session for university students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Malaysia, Sarawak (UNIMAS). The briefing session began with an introduction to the statistical system of Malaysia. The following slot presented about the detailed explanation on topics such as statistical frame, data collection, data processing, data analysing and data dissemination.
During the briefing session, the university students were told about the pivotal role of ICT in ensuring the success of a census or survey and how ICT had smoothen the data collection process for DOSM. During the final session, they were briefed on the importance of respondents in providing data and how the general public or the business community could also make use of the data for their own purposes.