Friday, 15 November 2013

Second National Statistics Conference 2013 (MyStats 2013): Promoting Innovation in Economic and Financial Statistics to Support Policy Making in a Dynamic Environment, 18 November 2013, Sasana Kijang, Kuala Lumpur

Bank Negara Malaysia will be organising the second national statistics conference (MyStats 2013) with the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) and Institut Statistik Malaysia (ISM) on 18 November at Sasana Kijang. 

The theme of MyStats 2013 is "Promoting Innovation in Economic and Financial Statistics to Support Policy Making in a Dynamic Environment".

The key objective of MyStats 2013 is to facilitate greater discussion and collaboration between statisticians/compilers and users of statistics, such as economists, analysts, academicians and policy makers, in improving data compilation, communication and usage of statistics.  It will also provide an avenue for the participants to discuss new ways and innovative approaches in the compilation and usage of statistics to support analysis, surveillance and policy measures in the increasingly dynamic environment.